Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Tee Quilts

My friend Jean has been taking her kids t-shirts and making them into blankets for years....solving the problem of what to do with those t shirts that are memories of teams or activities .  Recently a client asked if I could do the same for 3 boxes of t shirts that she had been saving of her and her husbands t's as well as her kids.

Blending Miami U with the MD Terapins....!!

with some Phillies and Eagles added!

Bright colors put together

Cutting and piecing the major parts of the t's in varying widths breaks up the sizes of the rows in this quilt.

Multiple team shirts
Piecing together t shirts using rectangle spacers between

By placing the parts in different directions there is no top or bottom, so it looks right from all directions.

Binding is the back folded over then stitched

Polartec 100 a very lightweight version of this fabric is used to back the quilts.  It is washable and colorfast plus thermal so even though the front is made of t shirt material the back is very soft and snug.

Polartec folded over to make the edge

The backing on this quilt was pieced together from 2 colors polartec, black and grey.  Then it is folded over the edge and sewn through and through.

The finished quilt


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you ! You taught me everything I needed to know about doing these quilts.
